The structure and tectonic evolution group at Eslan Labs in collaboration with our geophysicists, provide clients witha multi-scale and multi-source approach including structural analysis of fault regimes, restoration modeling, interpretation geophysics, and plate modeling.The results include Eslan’s open SOURCE GIS datasets:
- Detailed Structural databases
- Crustal Architecture databases
- Depth and Global Plate Model
Our objective is to assess the impact of the structural geometries, and crustal types, and resultant accommodation space and basin fill.
We conduct geological mapping including structures, digital geology, igneous, sedimentary, and intra-basinal features, using Eslan’s extensive experience and databases in structural, gravity and magnetic interpretation.
We perform crustal architecture analysis and investigations, including gravity and magnetic profiles, depth to basement, depth to Moho, crustal thickness, and sedimentary thickness across the basin to determine the structure tectonics evolution in the context of petroleum systems.
Integrate the results into plate modeling scenarios in order to compile a scientifically detailed, robust, and rigorously tested plate modeling solution to identify the best dynamic fit and evolution of the area.